
photography by alessandro ciapanna

Archive for ‘June, 2013’

IN TRANSIT – people, going

Travel is a big part of Life. It makes some people happy, some sad. It never leaves you indifferent. So, why wait until we reach our destination, before reaching for the camera…?





"Cancun? There's nothing but tourists in Cancun! That's not real Mexico!" These jaded commuters on the R1 bus beg to differ.

“Cancun? There’s nothing but tourists in Cancun! That’s not real Mexico!” Perhaps these jaded commuters on the R1 bus beg to differ. By the way, the busker was allowed to board without a ticket, he played a few songs, made some change, and payed for his ride on the way off the bus. That, my friends, is travelling in true style.




This is great! And then i want to go on top of that castle... Rome.

This is great! And then i want to go on top of that castle… Rome.




Not so happy on the Metro A, Rome.

Not so happy on the Metro A, Rome.




Hey, it's going to leave soon! Puerto Escondido, Mexico.

Hey, it’s going to leave soon! Puerto Escondido, Mexico.




Unhappy in the rain, shot from a city bus, Via Nazionale, Rome.

Unhappy in the rain, shot from a city bus, Via Nazionale, Rome.




Happiness is moving.  Sometimes in more ways than one. Southern Mexico.

Happiness is moving. Sometimes in more ways than one. Southern Mexico.




Definitely not happy in Mexico City's blazing sunlight for hours on end.

Definitely not happy in Mexico City’s blazing sunlight for hours on end.




Happy though it's raining. (God's people are always happy, aren't they?) Rome.

Happy though it’s raining. (God’s people are always happy, aren’t they?) Rome.




Happy if she makes it (she did). Commuter train, Rome.

Happy if she makes it (she did). Commuter train, Rome.




Wife beater, ragtop, and a shiny vintage Fiat 500. This spells more that happiness: in Rome this is pure bliss.

Wife beater, ragtop, and a shiny vintage Fiat 500. This spells more that happiness: in Rome this is pure bliss.



This is the first step of a project i’ve been mulling over for years. Just us ordinary joes, when we’re going from one place to another. The way we look. The way we temporarily lose our individuality as we cram together into public tansportation, filling the spaces, taking their shape as water does inside a bottle. When we fit together in brief, ever-shifting jigsaw puzzles.


I had been mulling over this for some time and the prompt form the daily post suggested the topic for today’s post. Which, i’m quite sure, i will be touching again soon.


Hope you enjoyed a bit of movement…

Alessandro Ciapanna






ROME – the Harley files

Just days ago, several thousand Harley-Davidson motorcycles converged on the eternal city for a rally. It was fun to find out that behind all those skulls and leather armors, there are girls and boys only too happy to play with their expensive toys.





Finally, something woth shooting among all that boring architecture...

Finally, something worth shooting among all that boring architecture…





She only rides solo. He prefers to travel with a friend..

She only rides solo. He prefers to travel with a friend.





His irreverent t-shirt rode in reverse all the way from Bavaria.

This irreverent t-shirt rode all the way from Bavaria. In reverse.





These motorcycle cops' eyes were out of their sockets, at the sight of so much horsepower.

These motorcycle cops’ eyes were out of their sockets, at the sight of so much horsepower.





The cop refused to sit on a Harley, but agreed to let these bikers straddle his Bmw.

The cop declined an invitation to sit on a Harley, but agreed to let these bikers straddle his Bmw.





This Roman lady wanted to pose with each and all of the big boys.

The little girl wanted a snapshot with the biker in the Viking headdress, while the Roman lady on the right wanted a picture with each and all of the big boys.





Me, in Rome, in monchrome, on chrome.

Me, in Rome, in monchrome, on chrome.





Dang: i can hear Harleys, but i can't see them. Where are they...?

Dang: i can hear Harleys, but i can’t see them. Where are they…?





There were, perhaps, many more photo opportunities. But my attention span is limited, especially when dealing with hot, smelly, noisy pieces of machinery. So i took a few snaps at Saint Peter’s square and that’s it.

In any case, it was a wonderful weekend for everyone, and it was great to see, all in one place, motorcycles from Russia, South Africa, California… And it was even better to largely ignore the machines, and take a good close-up look at the people, instead. Hope you enjoyed!

Alessandro Ciapanna

BIG BUBBLES – tiny poll

I took these three photographs in Piazza del Popolo, Rome. The performer was drawing perhaps somewhat less of a crowd than his skills deserved. But that made it easy (well, a little) to keep the compositions uncluttered.























I kinda like all of them. However, the subjects are so similar, that at least two will need to be culled. I have a favorite, but please help me make the best choice by clicking on your favorite in the box above.

Thanks for your support!

Alessandro Ciapanna