
photography by alessandro ciapanna

Archive for ‘June, 2016’

La Boca, Argentina

Hello again, fellow bloggers!

Been busy juggling several projects at the same time for the last year or so. Overwhelmed, nearly. So, this post is pretty much to see if i can figure out how to wrap my head around the revamped wordpress interface.

The pictures are from Buenos Aires, Argentina. Specifically, the city-within-a-city that is La Boca, one of the prettiest and most brightly colored urban spaces to be seen anywhere in the world. Where better to take photographs in monochrome?

The captions refer to the pic above them.




Murals, murals everywhere…


You always know it, when you’re in La Boca.


All things get done at a more relaxed pace here.


National, international and, crucially, local hero; former footballer Maradona.

The large iron grills are to keep pedestians off the train tracks.


Artist’s home? Nope: bicycle repair shop.


The Italian presence is particularly self-evident, in gritty but charming La Boca.

All photographs taken february 2016 with a full-frame dslr.

Hope you enjoyed!

Alessandro Ciapanna