
photography by alessandro ciapanna

Archive for ‘March, 2015’

HOLBOX ISLAND – the smartphone files

I finally did it. I finally tried out my smartphone’s camera. File sizes are not very large, shutter lag all but forbids pursuing moving subjects and no amount of shading or peering will make the screen usable for composition. That said, for such a small package, it does pack a fair punch.






Holbox Island, in southern Mexico, is an unusual place. The beaches' sand is a little hard but a well-worn couch provides providential padding...

Holbox Island, in southern Mexico, is an unusual place. The beaches’ sand is a little hard but a well-worn couch provides providential padding…





All around Holbox there are many poles sticking out of the shallow water. While te effectiveness in combating erosion is debatable, it is undeniable that they do provide handy resting spots for the many seabirds.

All around Holbox there are many poles sticking out of the shallow water. While the effectiveness in combating erosion is debatable, it is undeniable that they do provide handy resting spots for the many seabirds.





Holbox has two piers, this wooden one is the smaller of the two and juts north into the Gulf of Mexico.

Holbox has two piers, this wooden one is the smaller of the two and juts north into the Gulf of Mexico.





My smartphone camera has such a long shutter lag that moving subjects prove a challenge to capture at the right time...

My smartphone camera has such a long shutter lag that moving subjects prove a challenge to capture at the right time…





...but pre-framing and focusing and then waiting for the subject to walk into the frame does improve chances slightly.

…but pre-framing and focusing and then waiting for the subject to walk into the frame does improve chances slightly.





Holbox being an odd place, the highlight of the Christmas season is the annual dog dress-up contest, held in the town square. The pup on the right, in a green elf-y thing won the contest.

Holbox being an odd place, the highlight of the Christmas season is the annual dog dress-up contest, held in the town square. The pup on the right, sporting a green elf-y number, won the contest.





Proud owner shows off his butterfly-winged mutt, who came in a very respectable second place.

Proud owner shows off his butterfly-winged mutt, who came in a very respectable second place.





The smartphone used for all these photos is an older Samsung Gt-i9070. Color jpegs were converted to monochrome and cropped to the square format on a regular desktop PC.

Thanks for the visit. Hope you enjoyed.

Alessandro Ciapanna

INDIA on FILM – Varanasi at play

Yeah, yeah. Everyone knows all about Varanasi and the cremations and the old people sitting around waiting to die in this holiest of places. But, believe me, anyone who has ever been there knows that in Varanasi life far outperforms death.


This set is dedicated to playing and games. Which, by some account, could be one of life’s most magnificent displays of vitality. Shot on film early 2014.




India, where one bicycle can provide endless entertainment for up to four (fast-moving) youngsters.

India, where one bicycle can provide endless entertainment for up to four (fast-moving) youngsters.





Strike a pose. No idea what this is called, but it involves tapping a small peg into the air and then swinging at it baseball-style to the opponents in the "field".

Strike a pose. No idea what this is called, but it involves tapping a small peg into the air and then swinging at it baseball-style to the opponents in the “field”.





Kites are ubiquitous, cheap and great fun for the whole family. When something breaks, it's usually nothing a bit of string or sticky tape can't fix...

Kites are ubiquitous, cheap and great fun for the whole family. When something breaks, it’s usually nothing a bit of string or sticky tape can’t fix…





Up and away.

Up and away.





Polishing the hand rails. Only with a dinky 50mm f/1.4 lens can you shoot handheld at night on 200 iso film...

Polishing the hand rails. One of the advantages of shooting with a 50mm f/1.4 lens is that you can shoot handheld at night on 200 iso film…





Hope you enjoyed this set. The subjects portrayed certainly seemed to be having a good ol’ time…

Alessandro Ciapanna