
photography by alessandro ciapanna

Archive for ‘January, 2015’

INDIA on FILM – Varanasi II

More monochromes shot on film at Varanasi, definitely one of India’s most Indian cities.





Along the Ganges River: where it's ok for cows, people and boats to just sort of chill out all together.

Along the Ganges River: where it’s ok for cows, people and boats to just sort of chill out all together.





On the other hand, some bits are quite busy, as here, where laundry is laid out to sun-dry after being washed in the Ganges' bacterial broth.

On the other hand, some bits are quite busy, as here, where laundry is laid out to sun-dry after being washed in the Ganges’ bacterial broth.





And some other sections are a bit of both. Here a bovine chills while two young girls play a game of badminton.

And some other sections are a bit of both. Here a bovine chills while two young girls play a game of badminton using a sleeping dog as a net.






One sharply-dressed gentleman snoozes near some graphic advertisement for yoga classes.

One sharply-dressed gentleman snoozes near some graphic advertisement for yoga classes.





...and a quick stroll around the sharply-dressed gentleman reveals he is not indeed snoozing alone...

…and a quick stroll around the sharply-dressed gentleman reveals he is not indeed snoozing alone…





After all, the scenery is somewhat relaxing, on the ghats by the Ganges river...

After all, the scenery is somewhat relaxing, on the ghats by the Ganges river…





All pictures taken february 2014 on a vintage Nikon EM 35mm film camera on color negative film with a 50mm f/1.4 manual-focus lens.

Alessandro Ciapanna