
photography by alessandro ciapanna

Archive for ‘November, 2014’


Hello world! A few more street scenes from Jodhpur, Rajahstan, India.





It's a fairly steep climb up to the ancient hilltop fort.

It’s a fairly steep climb up to the ancient hilltop fort.





No space is too small for a quick round of cricket. Heck, this narrow alley even comes with bleachers...

No space is too small for a quick round of cricket. Heck, this narrow alley even comes with bleachers…





I've had better days.

I’ve had better days.





Boiling milk into powder - and poking good-natured fun at one another while at it.

Boiling milk into powder – and poking good-natured fun at one another while at it.





Cheer up, buddy - you'll never get a customer, with such a grumpy face...

Cheer up, buddy – you’ll never get a customer, with such a grumpy face…





...see? This guy smiled and picked up a ride right away...

…see? This guy smiled and picked up a ride right away…





And, finally, what would an India post on this blog without a "One photo, Sir?!"...

And, finally, what would an India post on this blog be without a “One photo, Sir?!”…



Hope you enjoyed this latest instalment. More to come soon.

Alessandro Ciapanna


In more or less chronological order, a few more scenes from roaming out and about in India’s Jodhpur.





Not sure what, exactly, these kids were up to, but they seemed to be enjoying it.

Not sure what, exactly, these kids were up to, but they seemed to be enjoying it.





This time, after a session of "one photo, sir?!" these kids sat down and i got at least one un-posed shot. Too much contrast?

This time, after a session of “one photo, sir?!” these kids sat down and i got at least one un-posed shot. Too much contrast?





Man arranging his affairs on a rooftop terrace. Jodhpur's more hilly bits can provide some interesting perspectives.

Man arranging his affairs on a rooftop terrace. Jodhpur’s more hilly bits can provide some interesting perspectives.





There are worse ways to spend a few minutes than stroking your favorite lamb just outside your front door. Thank you India.

There are worse ways to spend a few minutes than stroking your favorite lamb just outside your front door. Thank you India.





Kid checks his change after nuying sweets - casting a mean shadow while at it.

Kid checks his change after buying sweets – casting a mean shadow while at it.





Camel parking lot... Camelot?!

Camel parking lot… Camelot?!





Hope you enjoyed. Thanks for being here.

Alessandro Ciapanna

INDIA TODAY – Jodhpur III (w/ selfie…)

What’s it like on the streets of Jodhpur, India’s “blue city”? As this travelling photographer sees it, it’s not all black and white. There are lots of grays there, too…





There are little girls going home after school and there are oversized jugs bearing portraits, somewhere along the road that leads to the hilltop fort.

There are little girls going home after school and there are oversized jugs bearing portraits, somewhere along the road that leads to the hilltop fort.





There are hard working people that can cook up a full meal right there in an open lot with little more than a pot and a spoon.

There are hard working people that can cook up a full meal right there in an open lot with little more than a pot and a spoon.




And if there are a few moments to spare, a quick game of cards with some buddies makes the day a better one.

And if there are a few moments to spare, a quick game of cards with some buddies makes the day a better one.





Some of the more photogenic work includes folding bright, recently-dyed cloth, after sun-drying it in the open.

Some of the more photogenic work includes folding bright, recently-dyed cloth, after sun-drying it in the open.





Of course, some are so young they need not worry - yet - about school or work.  Today's activity? Cartwheels!

Of course, some are so young they need not worry – yet – about school or work. Today’s activity? Cartwheels!





And, finally, as some were clamoring for a selfie, this is as close as it gets (actually, it was taken by a random passer-by). Now, i wonder if you can tell which one is Alessandro?

And, finally, as some were clamoring for a selfie, this is as close as it gets (actually, it was taken by a random passer-by). Now, i wonder if you can tell which one is Alessandro?





Long overdue, i am finally finding some snippets of time to process my India photo files, taken about ten months ago. There are surprises to be had. More to come soon. Thanks for the visit!

Alessandro Ciapanna