
photography by alessandro ciapanna

Archive for ‘July, 2014’


A few more images to wrap up the photo essay on Hampi, India. All photos taken January 2014.





Today we cross the river from Hampi. Destination: the massive rocky outcrop visible top right in this image.

Today we cross the river from Hampi. Destination: the large rocky outcrop visible top right in this image.





Of course, as soon as you start walking, someone stops you, flashes a big smile and proffers the catchy phrase "One photo, sir?" Why not, my friend?

Of course, as soon as you start walking in India, someone approaches you, flashes a big smile and proffers the catchy phrase “One photo, sir?” Why not, my friend?





Once you complete the massive climb to the top, you will find a ho-hum temple dedicated to Hanuman. And then you will find many Indians, simply being their wonderful selves. Possibly in the shade.

Once you complete the climb to the top, you will find a ho-hum temple dedicated to Hanuman. And then you will find many Indians, simply being their wonderful selves. Possibly in the shade.





Annexed to the temple is a covered space, where pilgrims can enjoy a simple but hearty meal. Bucketful of rice, anyone?

Annexed to the temple is a covered space, where pilgrims can enjoy a simple but hearty meal. Bucketful of rice, anyone?





But of course, it is the massive, maritan rockscapes that provide the more outlandish photo ops.

But of course, it is the massive, martian rockscapes that provide the more outlandish photo ops.





Once back in Hampi proper, it is nice to see life keeps unfolding as usual. Where "as usual" really means "exactly as we've been doing it for thousands of years."

Once back in Hampi proper, it is nice to see life keeps unfolding as usual. Where “as usual” really means “exactly as we’ve been doing it for thousands of years.”





That's it for Hampi, for now. But, before we hit the road again, we need the blessing of the local elephant, Laxmi. One rupee travel insurance...?

That’s it for Hampi, for now. But, before we hit the road again, we need the blessing of the local elephant, Laxmi. One rupee travel insurance…?





Hampi is a real gem, and if it is in any way possible, i would definitely try to weave it into the fabric of a trip to India.


Please note that if i appear somewhat snobbish lately, it is because the course of my life has taken a few sharp turns, leaving me nowhere near enough time to peruse other blogs and enjoy what everyone else is up to. I really miss my quality time on wordpress, and i miss all the blogs i follow and all the bloggers that follow mine. That said – and to prove the point – i have to rush off now.


Thanks for the visit. I hope you enjoyed the photography.

Alessandro Ciapanna