
photography by alessandro ciapanna

Archive for ‘January, 2014’

INDIA – Bombay today

What does 2014 look like in India? Let’s start by taking a quick look at Mumbai. Or, as some still have it, Bombay. Some street views.




In Mumbai, some groom thamselves, while others like to nap.

In Mumbai, some groom thamselves, while others like to nap.






Some, on the other hand, prefer to be professionally groomed, as at this alfresco barbershop.

Some, on the other hand, prefer to be professionally groomed, as at this alfresco barbershop.






Some of the younger ones take a little time off to maintain their flying machines.

Some of the younger ones take a little time off to maintain their flying machines…




...before attempting a vertical takeoff in the crowded city streets.

…before attempting a vertical takeoff in the crowded city streets.





Some prefer to just hang around - from a painted tree branch, no less.

Some prefer to just hang around – from a painted tree branch, no less.




Have i already mentioned that some like to enjoy a nap?

Have i already mentioned that some like to enjoy a nap?



Here’s to the vibrant, chaotic city of Mumbai.


Operating, as i am, on the road and out of a tiny netbook with iffy wifi at best, it’s taken me a while to post some new material. With luck, I will be more active in the upcoming days.


I hope you enjoyed.

Alessandro Ciapanna






INDIA on FILM – last from the past

A few more views from where India meets the water. Taken a few years back on a film camera.





Who do you call when your coconuts need picking? In Palolem, India, that would be a job for the coconut-picker.

Who do you call when your coconuts need picking? In Palolem, India, that would be a job for the coconut-picker.





Mamallapuram, in Tamil Nadu, is also known by the name Mahabalipuram. Either way you call it, it is a stunning place.

Mamallapuram, in Tamil Nadu, is also known by the name Mahabalipuram. Either way you call it, it is a stunning place.





Writing wonders in ancient alphabets on the beach at Varkala.

Writing wonders in ancient alphabets on the beach at Varkala.





Same beach, wider view, around sunset.

Same beach, wider view, around sunset.





Somewhere along the coast of Tamil Nadu.

Somewhere along the coast of Tamil Nadu.





Mooooving slowly, somewhere in Goa.

Mooooving slowly in southern Goa.





View from the cliff at Varkala, Kerala.

View from the cliff at Varkala, Kerala.




Ever see a more relaxing statue? Near Trivandrum, also known as Thiruvanatapuram.

Ever see a more relaxing statue? Near Trivandrum, also known as Thiruvanatapuram.





I’m posting this from on the road, so my internet time is extremely limited. I don’t really have the opportunity to enjoy visiting what everyone else is up to, out there in the blogosphere. However, I’m giving myself plenty of time to harvest new imagery.

Of that, I will begin to share from the next instalment.

I hope you enjoyed,

Alessandro Ciapanna

INDIA on FILM – Kodaikanal

In the south of India, high up in the mountains, is Kodaikanal. A few street views from the top.




The fog rolls in and out very quickly - the near side of this bus station is in the sun, while the other end is shrouded in mist.

The fog rolls in and out very quickly – the near side of this bus station is in the sun, while the other end is still shrouded in mist.






Just a little yard, a stream, a cow, a couple of friendly kids, a valley... Kodaikanal!

Just a little yard, a stream, a cow, a couple of friendly kids, a valley… Kodaikanal!






Tiny but lovely. This little cow stood no more than chest high, but she looked just stunning in her flower wreath.

Tiny but lovely. This little cow stood no more than chest high, but she looked just stunning in her flower wreath.




It's definitely chilly, way up in the mountains. But the stunning early morning light is well worth getting up early for. These people are getting their morning chai.

It’s definitely chilly, way up in the mountains. But the stunning early morning light is well worth getting up early for. These people are getting their morning chai.




One of India's many shop-on-wheels. Fresh flowers, anyone?

One of India’s many shop-on-wheels. Fresh flowers, anyone?





Wild, groovy hand-painted sign. Never did see a female sax player in India, though...

Wild, groovy hand-painted sign. Never did see a female sax player in India, though…





Because even in India power is nothing, if you don't flaunt it...

Because even in India power is nothing, if you don’t flaunt it…





This man caught me completely unawares. He emerged from the mist, a large metal spike through both his cheeks. A second later, he had disapperaed again.

This man caught me completely unawares. He emerged from the mist, a large metal spike through both his cheeks. A second later, he had disapperaed again.






As you may have noticed, of late, i have become completely hooked on the ‘outernet’, and can’t find the will, the time or the energy to log on to the internet as often as i used to. Which may not be such a bad thing, as it affords me more time to walk my camera.

I thank you all for being patient and i hope you enjoyed this set, taken a few years ago on a film camera.

Alessandro Ciapanna