
photography by alessandro ciapanna

Archive for ‘December, 2013’

ROME – 2013 in pictures

As twenty-thirteen winds to an end, it may perhaps be a good time to try and draw some conclusions. On the other hand, we could just take a lazy look back at the year in pictures. Since there are too many, so i’ll stick to a few i took in the streets of Rome.



The year began, as years often do, in the middle of the rainy season.

The year began, as Roman years often do, in the middle of the rainy season.




Raining outside? Play indoors! Car doors, that is...

Raining outside? Play indoors! Car doors will do…




Or perhaps you can go to a show. Salgado's Genesis is near as good as photography gets.

Or perhaps you can go to a show. Salgado’s Genesis is near as good as photography gets.




And, if the show you go to is only so-so, perhaps you can make good use of the venue. This is Piazza Venezia as reflected in the shiny new glass at the Mercati di Traiano, once a mall, now a museum.

And, if the show you go to is only so-so, perhaps you can make good use of the venue. This is Piazza Venezia as reflected in the shiny new glass at the Mercati di Traiano, once a mall, now a museum.




By early spring, when it gets toasty, it's time to head to the nearest water-spouting lion.

By early spring, when it gets toasty, it’s time to head to the nearest water-spouting lion.




Need to rinse your wine glass? Again, just look for a lion...

Need to rinse your wine glass? Again, just look for a lion…




2013 will always be remembered as the year hundreds of levitators from India started hovering in every piazza.

2013 will always be remembered as the year hundreds of levitators from India started hovering in every Roman piazza.




It will also be remembered as the year thousands of Harley bikes - adn their riders - descended upon the eternal city.

It will also be remembered as the year thousands of Harley bikes – and their riders – descended upon the eternal city.




... where they were greeted with open arms by everyone. Especially by the Italian motorcycle cops.

… where they were greeted with open arms by everyone. Especially by the Italian motorcycle cops.




Kids never change. Soap bubbles, on the other hand, have gotten a heck of a lot larger now than when i was a kid...

Kids never change. Soap bubbles, on the other hand, have gotten a heck of a lot larger now than when i was a kid…




I did do some travelling in 2013. But to keep this post within a manageable size, we'll stick to Rome. (Yes, the lady in the above picture did make the commuter train.)

I did do some travelling in 2013. But to keep this post within a manageable size, we’ll stick to Rome. (Yes, the lady in the above picture did make the commuter train.)




Another thing i did in 2013 was to shoot a little film. It was such a trip, i started seeing plastic chickens in restaurant windows...

One of the better things i did in 2013 was to shoot a roll of film. It was such a trip, i started seeing plastic chickens in restaurant windows…




... in fact, looking through the viewfinder of a mechanical camera gives one all sorts of mystic vision.

… in fact, looking through the viewfinder of a mechanical camera can induce all sorts of mystic visions.




And then there was Trastevere. I spent several days photographing this lovely, lovely part of Rome, where time seems to move at a more reasonable pace.

And then there was Trastevere. I spent several days photographing this loveliest part of Rome, where time seems to move at a more reasonable pace.




Gotcha! 2013 zipped by pretty fast. But i'm almost sure i saw it smiling as it went...

Gotcha! 2013 zipped by pretty fast. But i’m pretty sure i saw it smiling as it went…



It’s been an interesting year. And, as far as photographic opportunities go, a fairly generous one. I wish you all a prosperous and optimistic 2014. And i thank you all for the ongoing support.

Alessandro Ciapanna

















INDIA on FILM – water’s edge

India boasts seven thousand or so kilometers of coastline. Plus untold lakes and reservoirs. Not to mention thousands of kilometers along some of the world’s most famous rivers.

A grainy look on life at water’s edge on the subcontinent.




Traditional long fishing boats made by tying logs together, as these at Mamallapuram, are gradually being replaced by more modern fiberglass craft.

Traditional long fishing boats made by tying logs together, as these at Mamallapuram, Tamil Nadu, are gradually being replaced by more modern fiberglass craft.




Halfway across the country, at Palolem in Goa, traditional craft include tiny dugout canoes, complete with outrigger to limit risks of capsizing.

Halfway across the country, at Palolem in Goa, traditional craft include tiny dugout canoes, complete with outrigger to limit risks of capsizing.




Peace at sunset: a crow, a creek, a beach, a buddy. Varkala, Kerala.

Peace at sunset: a crow, a creek, a beach, a buddy. Varkala, Kerala.




Peace at high noon: elderly couple wallowing in the warm waters at Palolem, Goa.

Peace at high noon: elderly couple wallowing in the warm waters at Palolem, Goa.




Surf's up! Locals catching a wave on a small log canoe at Varkala, india, 2003

Surf’s up! Local youths catching a wave on a small log canoe at Varkala, Kerala.




In the mist of it all. Kodaikanal, Tamil Nadu.

In the mist of it all. Kodaikanal, Tamil Nadu.




Photographs taken a few years back on a 35mm film camera. Thanks for being here.

Alessandro Ciapanna






INDIA on FILM – Kanyakumari

India is not endless. It does end. If you’re coming from the north, it ends in Kanyakumari. Once there, look south, and it’s the Indian Ocean. Look east, and it’s the Bay of Bengal. Look west, and it’s the Arabian Sea. Best thing to do is perhaps to look north. This way you have all of India in front of you.




After school, the kids at Kanyakumari like to build small sailboats out of scrap materials.

After school, the kids at Kanyakumari like to build small sailboats out of scrap materials.





Steady winds and shallow waters make for ideal mini-regattas.

Steady winds and shallow waters make for ideal mini-regattas.




Of course, there's also the age old art of chasing and fetching an old tyre. The fishermen in the bacgkround prepare the log boats for the evening's outing.

Of course, there’s also the age old art of chasing and fetching an old tyre. The fishermen in the bacgkround prepare the log boats for the evening’s outing.




In the narrow alleys, some men clean and mend the fishing nets.

In the narrow alleys, some men clean and mend the fishing nets.




I was happy with the goat-on-a-net, but the child couldn't resist clowining around for the camera. Which is just fine.

I was happy with the goat-on-a-net, but the child couldn’t resist photobombing my shot. Which is just fine.




Of course, with so much water, a little bathing is in the natural order of things. Clothes? What clothes?

Of course, with so much water, a little bathing is in the natural order of things. Clothes? What clothes?




Welcome to India!

Welcome to India!




Of course, if laughing and slpashing is not for you, you can just sit on a wall and take it all in. Shoes not required.

If laughing and splashing is not for you, or perhaps afterwards, you can just sit on a wall and take it all in. Shoes not required.




All photographs taken on a 35mm film camera a few years back. Hope you enjoyed.

Alessandro Ciapanna