
photography by alessandro ciapanna

Archive for ‘April, 2013’

TRAIN DRAMA – the fine art files.

It’s not unusual to be a little suspicious of self-proclaimed “fine art photographers”. It’s also perfectly acceptable to not give the issue much thought. Until, that is, someone contacts you offering the opportunity of hosting an exhibition in an art gallery.

So it was a matter of choosing one strong portfolio, and processing the very best images to give them the “fine art feel”. Below is a selection of dramatic photographs from – yes, again – the incredible train cemetery on the outskirts of Uyuni, Bolivia.





Such is life.

Such is life.





Dead end.

Dead end.





Locomotive skeleton.

Locomotive skeleton.





Off track.

Off track.





Out of steam.

Out of steam.





Loco no motion.

Loco no motion.





Let's do it. No, let's wait for the photographer to leave, first.

Let’s do it.
No, let’s wait for the photographer to leave, first.





'nother couple.

‘nother couple.





Rusty canvas.

Rusty canvas.











Things could be worse - it could be raining...

Things could be worse – it could be raining…





Final destination.

Final destination.











All – no, most – of these photos have been blogged before. So, rather than on the content of the images (or the silly captions!), what i would really enjoy is hearing your opinion on the dramatic, red-filter effect i introduced during processing. Is it dramatic to good effect, or is it simply over the top? How would you react if you walked into an art gallery that was exhibiting these, printed nice and large?

All and any feedback will be dutifully pondered and much appreciated – thanks!

Alessandro Ciapanna

UYUNI, BOLIVIA – ghost train town

Please follow me as we tread into a truly one-of-a-kind place: the train cemetery just outside Uyuni, in Bolivia.




Abandoned steam locomotive at Uyuni, Bolivia train cemetery.












Stripped carcass at Uyuni, Bolivia train cemetery.




Abandoned steam locomotive at Uyuni, Bolivia train cemetery.




Abandoned steam locomotive at Uyuni, Bolivia train cemetery.








Uyuni, Bolivia train cemetery.




DSC_2405_uyuni train cemetery wheels tanks_1200px








Believe it or not, grownup Bolivians come here to play hide-and-seek.

Believe it or not, grownup Bolivians come here to play hide-and-seek.




Abandoned steam locomotives under a gloomy sky at Uyuni train cemetery, Bolivia








Spring assembly and other train parts at Uyuni, Bolivia train cemetery.


As with the last post, i am revisiting old files. Hope you enjoyed the splash of color.


Alessandro Ciapanna

UYUNI, BOLIVIA – views from the salt flats

A few from the middle – or right around the edges – of the world’s biggest salt flats.





I have no idea what an emu would be doing roosting on the salt flats. But then again, neither does he.

What is an emu doing roosting on the salt flats? I asked, but he didn’t answer.





We got a long way to go (and a short time to get there...)

We got a long way to go (and a short time to get there…)





There - hold it: you look great, dear!

Great pose, dear!





Ok, now all we need is the pepper.

Ok, now all we need is the pepper.





One day all of this will be yours...

One day all of this will be yours…





Free hugs.

Free hugs.





Jeep tyres taste a lot better, when encrusted in salt.

Jeep tyres taste a lot better, when encrusted in salt.





Hola amigo!

Hola amigo!




I am back in Rome, and am currently busy trying to arrange my huge photo archives into something orderly and meaningful. While this does keep me away from the streets and from my camera, it also provides a few unexpected surprises. Like finding the above shots, taken a few years back, some of which i’d never even seen/opened/noticed and/or “developed” before.


Location Bolivia; the Uyuni salt flats and Incahuasi – the cactus-covered rocky outcrop. You can click on the images for a better view.

Alessandro Ciapanna