
photography by alessandro ciapanna

Archive for ‘August, 2012’

SEAWEED – eye sees at low tide

Sometimes you can find interesting photographic subjects by pointing your camera straight down. Especially if you put yourself into a beautiful spot first.


These photographs were taken on one of the innumerable beaches that stretch for many a nautical mile west of Tarifa at the mouth of the Straits of Gibraltar. The water is that of the Atlantic Ocean, and it ranges from freezing to severely cold. The tide ebbs and flows by several feet, ever changing the landscape and sometimes playing artist. Like the day it left behind these glorious compositions in seaweed and kelp.





























































I’ve been gone for a few weeks and have missed my blogging actibvity – though I did use the opportunity to get some time one-on-one and up close with the world, just a short camera lens away. I’m back now and if all goes well, should be around for a while. If all goes even better, i’ll be on the road again soon… We’ll see.


Thank everyone for the continued support. I will make every effor to do my fair share of catching up.


Alessandro Ciapanna