
photography by alessandro ciapanna

Archive for ‘June, 2012’

BERLIN STREET ART – stupendous stencils

street art; stencils. a black and white photo essay from the streets of  berlin, germany. shot in june 2012.





tone on tone for this striking portrait






stencil within a a stencil plus other mixed media






coy smile between the leaves






the deeper the roots, the stronger the branches






a tribute to chaplin






one angry pacman






the older the war, the younger the soldiers






bud spencer, one of italy’s favorite b-movie heroes from the 70s, still packs a good punch in berlin…






franklin, off the hundred-dollar bill an onto a wall in berlin






modern media, classic subject in this piece by akira






as a street photographer, and as your average joe who uses big city streets on a day-to-day basis, i can’t help but notice the work of urban street artists. and when the works are created by authors as talented and inspired as these, out comes the camera.

alessandro ciapanna

BERLIN DOORS – frame of mind

this photo essay is my attempt to highlight what i perceived as a striking contrast:  berlin, the city that was long the home to one of the meanest walls in history, today has some of the world’s most photogenic doors to show off. and doors, after all, are openings in walls…






the face is a stencil, the body was created by whitewashing the outiline into the door, and the coat is the color of the underlying rust. street art as good as it gets






all or nothing. it seems that some doors are left clean, while others are swiftly and completely taken over by graffiti, stickers and what-nots






this is the door to a ‘casino’, a sad dark space where few people spend their time perched on stools slipping coin after coin into the slots of electonic gambling machines.






this one could use a trim, sometime soon



































photographs taken in berlin, germany, in june 2012.

hope you enjoyed this set and the new size settings – feedback appreciated, as ever

alessandro ciapanna

BERLIN WALL – twisted photo essay

many berliners love their cars nice and shiny – perhaps to better reflect those drab gray skies. but when the sun does manage to peek around one of those dense black clouds, it’s good to have your camera on the ready, as things instantly begin to glow.




































































thes pictures show the walls of the city of berlin as they reflect off the windows and/or the painted surfaces of parked automobiles. i am really not any more fond of cars than any normal person might be fond of a can opener or a toothbrush. it’s an instrument, good to have when you need it, but nice to tuck away when not needed. cars, on the other hand, tend to remain out in the open even when not needed, robbing all of  us of vital spaces day and night. this photo essay is my attempt to put the useless to good use…


all the pictures in this set were taken in a few very brief busts, on the very rare occasions that the berlin sun shone brightly, for a few minutes only. no special lenses or filters were used: the distortions are due to the irregularly curved surfaces of the car bodies. the last picture, in particular, was of a badly mashed up hood (bonnet), which really twisted that one berlin wall


alessandro ciapanna